Game Of Thrones Season 4: The Deaths VALAR MORGHULIS



It was monday the season ended with mixed feelings across our hearts,there were great moments but the deaths they were the catch of the season.

It’s just because of the deaths that this season crossed all limits in terms of views highest pirated tv series and many others.

It was a serious blood bath in this season with so many good moments happening in the season and even so many deaths some good characters some we hate (JOFFERY, WE HATE HIM).

Here we are listing the top deaths in GAME OF THRONES SEASON 4:


1: Tywin Lannister


Tywin Lannister died at the hands of his son Tyrion in the season finale of season 4 “The Children.” Tyrion shoots his father, who is sitting in the privy, with a crossbow after Tyrion, who had been tormented by his father his entire life, found out Tywin had slept with the woman he loved. Tywin is survived by the man who killed him Tyrion Lannister.

2: Oberyn Martell


The Red Viper Oberyn died in “The Mountain and the Viper” when he hesitated after defeating the Mountain, who eventually catches him off guard and then crushes his skull, after gouging out his eyes.

3: Joffrey Baratheon


King Joffrey Baratheon died at just 19 years old in the episode “The Lion and the Rose,” at his wedding feast after he was poisoned. He choked to death after being handed a poisoned glass of wine. He is survived by Cersei Lannister, his mother and aunt, and Jaime Lannister, his biological father and uncle.

4: Sandor Clegane


The Hound Sandor Clegane also appears to die in the finale “The Children,” when he is confronted by Brienne of Tarth and the two battle. Sandor eventually falls down a cliff and is left to die from his wounds.

5: Ygritte


In the episode “The Watchers on the Wall,” Ygritte has her bow aimed directly at Jon Snow, her lover, but she hesitates. Because of this, she is shot by Olly and dies in Snow’s arms.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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