Gandhi Jayanti & Swachh Bharat Abhiyan


Once upon a time, a common man faced a common incidence but he then turned into uncommon man, became a nation’s pride. He taught world the lesson of non-violence, he taught us to live simple. Man who was so simple yet so complicated that he was driving a whole nation. Nation calls him Father. That is Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi. Our Father of Nation: Mahatma Gandhi. Let’s celebrate this valued moment. Happy Gandhi Jayanti to all.


Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated all over India on October 2 to remember the birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi well renowned as Gandhi and Bapu. He was born on 2nd October 1869 and is known as the Father of the Nation. Throughout his life he always followed the principles of truth, non violence, honesty and believed in simple living. He had a valuable contribution in India’s freedom struggle. At Raj Ghat in New Delhi, where he was cremated, the prayer meetings are held on this day which is attended by Prime Minister, President of India and other dignitaries. The whole nation remembers him on this day. Apart from the Prime Minster, several other leaders including Congress president Sonia Gandhi, former Kerala Governor Shiela Dikshit and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh paid homage to ‘Bapu’.

Today, on 2nd Oct, 2014, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Modi symbolically wielded a broom, and reached out to all Indians to make cleanliness a mass movement. Preparations were being made in government offices and also by the Bharatiya Janata Party leaders in Delhi for large participation in “cleanliness oath” to be taken Thursday. The launch was preceded by cleanliness campaign week beginning September 25 which saw central government offices being spruced up by discarding or overhauling old furniture and sending old files to record rooms.

Modi has been talking of “Clean India” in his major speeches, and most people feel that personal push being given by him to sanitation would have an impact.the mission aims at creating a ‘Clean India’ in the next five years. Modi has said that a “clean India” will be the best tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary in 2019. The Father of the Nation had a penchant for cleanliness in his personal habits and strongly promoted it in society. Many cities, including New Delhi and Mumbai, are overflowing with garbage, a result of rapid economic growth, overcrowding and poor urban planning, as well as civic behavior that rarely condemns littering. He says a cleaner India will help promote economic growth, reduce healthcare costs and provide employment.

The Prime Minister also picked dust from the road and put it in the dustbin during the drive. He also spoke to kids at Valmiki Basti and urged them to come forward and participate in cleanliness drive. About 30 lakh government employees across the country took a cleanliness pledge. Usually October 2is a public holiday, but this year the Prime Minister has ordered a full working day for government employees. Modi has ordered bureaucrats and ministers leading their departments in cleaning offices, including toilets, today.

Let’s hope for this mission to accomplish and have a better & clean  India tomorrow.

-Tanvi Shah



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