Ganesha Classes Service Sector Management Prelims Question Paper 2014



   2 ½ Hours                                          Ganesha Classes                              Total Marks:75


N.B.:      1)      Q.1. to Q.4. having internal option.

         2)   All Questions are compulsory

         3)   Write new questions on new Page, continue sub-question from same page.




Q.1.  a)   Explain the distinctive Characteristic of service and its implication.                                  (08)

  1. b) Describe the factor stimulating growth in service.                                                              (07)




Q.1.  a)   Define Consumer Behaviour? Explain the Consumer Buying Process.                              (08)

  1. b) What is Service Guarantee? Explain the criteria for service guarantee.                              (07)


Q.2.  a)   Define Franchising? Explain its Challenges.                                                                       (08)

  1. b) Discuss Extended P’s in service marketing with reference to Tourism Sector.                   (07)




Q.2.  a)   Discuss the Extended P’s in service marketing with reference to Banking Sector.            (08)

  1. b) Explain the Balancing of Demand and capacity.                                                                (07)


Q.3.  a)   Discuss the Gap Model in Service Quality.                                                                         (08)

  1. b) Explain the causes effect analysis for the delay of a flight.                                                            (07)




Q.3.  a)   Explain the measure for Improving service Quality.                                                           (08)

  1. b) Discuss the Technical Quality and Functional Quality.                                                       (07)


Q.4. a)   Discuss the Dimension of Service Leadership.                                                                    (08)

  1. b) Explain the Challenges faced by Insurance sector.                                                                         (07)




Q.4. a)   Define Vision? Explain the benefit with examples of Vision.                                            (08)

  1. b) Explain the future of tourism industry in India.                                                                  (07)


Q.5.  Case Study –                                                                                                                             (15)

The passengers were through with their security check and were boarding the aircraft. The Lotus Airlines personnel were awaiting the arrival of V.I.P. to clear the take off. Finally the V.I.P arrived half an hour  late and went directly for the security check. During the check the security personnel came across weapon with live cartilages. He was requested not to carry the weapon on flight. However the V.I.P refused to part with the weapon for personal security. When he was asked for the license, he said he was not carrying it.

The security personnel refused to give permission to the V.I.P to board the aircraft. This led to heated argument and in rage the V.I.P. threw one of the security staff across the floor.


This further delayed the flight, the passengers were very restless since they were in aircraft last 1 ½ hours. To top it up they were not allowed to leave the air craft for security purpose.


  1. a) In this case, where are the service gaps existing and how would you close the gaps? (03)
  2. b) Elaborate the in importance of ‘People’ in airlines services? (03)
  3. c) As service provider how would you manage this kind of service encounter? What is service encounter.


  1. d) What would you do when prevention fails and damage is done? (05)



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