GATE Computer Science CS Exam 1st March 2014 Second Session Analysis And Answer Key


answer key1

Subject 1 Mark Questions 2 Marks questions Total No of Questions Types of questions asked from each section
Engineering Mathematics 6 9 15 Graph, Calculus, Functions, Probability, Matrices and Predicate Logic
Data Structures and Algorithms 5 5 10 C-programs, Time Complexity,NP Complete, Quick sort, Analyzing Algorithms
DBMS 2 3 5  Finding candidate keys, Normal Forms, Minimal Cover, SQL, Conflict Serializability
Theory of Computation 2 2 4 Regular Expression, Finite Automata, Closure Properties
Compiler Design 1 1 2 SR and RR Conflicts, Code Optimization
Computer Organization 1 3 4  Mode, Cache Organization
Computer Networks 2 3 5 Network Security, Routing Protocols, Efficiency of SR Protocol
Digital Logic 2 1 3 Multiplexer, SOP, Radix
Operating systems 2 3 5 SRTF, Optimal Page Replacement,Mutli threading
Software Engineering and Web Technologies 2 0 2 Matching question on software models
Verbal Ability 2 2 4
Numerical Ability 3 3 6
Total 30 35 65


Tentative Answer keys:

1)      B

2)      – D

3)      – A

4)      – A

5)      –

6)      C

7)      5

8)      Bab

9)      D

10)  –

11)  C

12)  B

13)  A

14)  –

15)  B

16)  C

17)  C

18)  A

19)  –

20)  –

21)  C

22)  –

23)  D

24)  C

25)  –

26)  D

27)  –

28)  C

29)  D

30)  C

31)  C

32)  C

33)  C

34)  C

35)  B

36)  C

37)  B


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