Gender Equality : Are Men and Women Really Equal?



Gender bias is something very common in our country. Indeed the discrimination between Men and Women can be traced back from the past. For example, Earlier Kings could get married as many times as they wish, may it be on the name of Religion, War and many other reasons which are really vague but because he is a man he is allowed, he is allowed everything and anything.

To explain things a little more in detail about Gender Discrimination, it still exist in many places today wherein a Woman is not supposed to eat before her Husband. She is supposed to have in the same plate of her Husband. Is such a thing really needed? Will the food that is made will get over if the woman eats before or is it that there is no water in the house that a women can’t eat in another plate? Is it really right to do such injustice on a Woman just on the name of culture and Tradition?

These are just few examples if one sits to list Discrimination between Men and Women, there are many to add to the list. In order to remove such an inequality among Men and Women and to give a fair chance to Women and equal rights, Government has initiated a lot of schemes and rights, an attempt to provide equal status, fair treatment to both Men and Women.

men women equal

The first step taken is free and compulsory primary education to all which marks the beginning for progress in each and every one of our lives. An educated person can achieve everything he/she wants which enables both Men and Women a fair chance to become literate and achieve what he/she desires?

Then equal chance of vote which enables both of the sex to choose whom they want as their Representatives and builds in them the Confidence. Equal pay and right to choose job is something which enables one to stand on his/her own feet and live life independently as well as well as develop one’s personality.

But even when there are several attempts made to make both Men and Women Equal there is no real equality, there are still many women who are denied of education, many of them are physically and sexually abused. At times, Women at work are ill-treated sexually and even on professional level. Women are harassed by Men even at home in order to show Male Domination. India is progressing but is it really progressing? Even after so many attempts nothing has been changed. If there is no Equality among Men and Women how can we say we live in a democratic country?

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