Genesis- The Spark of Rising Youth


3×3– A person can give 3 hints to his partner about the particular word but cant use any word from the chosen word and the partner get 3 chances to guess the word

Example: “Football” you can not say either foot or ball. You cannot name any person associated with the sport too. Hence giving just 3 hints and 3 chances to guess


Business quiz: As the name suggest it’s a quiz with questions related to business, management, etc.


Presentation: The topic is based on the theme Incredible India related to the corporate world. The presentations will be given only 5 -7 minutes of time.


Debate:  Topic will be given on the spot and participants have to give out points/views in favor of the topic or give points/views which are aganist the favor of the topic.


Ad-Mad show: Creative advertising to be created on the spot for the products given to the candidates.


Brand Re-call: Identifing the brands which are avaliable in the market at different stages/segments.


Minute to win it: Tasks have to be performed in a minute’s time and performers performing it the fastests at least amount of time with proceed to the next stage of the game.

Date – 17th September, 2011 (Saturday)

Venue – western college of commerce & business management, Plot No. 2, Sector 9, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), …

Time Event contact
11:00am-12:00pm 3×3 Manish-8652533802
11:00am-12:00pm Business Quiz Anmol-9699099002
12:00pm-01:15pm Minute to win it Jackson-9004409807
12:00pm-01:15pm Presentation Nizam-8655440139
02:00pm-03:00pm Ad-Mad Show Arjun-9769105497
02:00pm-03:00pm Debate Ganesh-8108090300
03:00pm-04:00pm Brand Re-call Vikram-9029813011

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