Get Ready for It


Mr. Ashok Sen is a class-I engineer, working for the last 25 years with Alchem Laboratories. Presently, he is a senior supervisor in the engineering department. He is to retire after 2 years and would then get all the retirement benefits from the company. His performance record has been excellent.

Mr. Sen has got 2 sons and 1 daughter. His sons serve in good companies are yet to be married. His daughter has completed her education and is about to get married. His wife is an active member of a social club.

He wants to plan for his post-retirement days in a systematic manner. He desires to invest his resources properly. He also wants to be active after retirement, getting involved in professional programmes.

Mr. Sen has got his own residence in Mumbai and would like to continue to stay in Mumbai.


How should Mr. Sen get ready for his post-retirement period?


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