Getting an advertiser’s media efforts organized and accomplished is both an art and a science


Getting an advertiser’s media efforts organized and accomplished is both an art and a science. It is done by individuals in small businesses, by large departments of people in major advertisers and ad agencies, and by independents calls media consultants or media services. Whoever does it, these basic steps are involved:



Media planning

The media person figures out where your advertising should run. He or she looks over all the media vehicles that might be useful and recommends the most effective environment for your message. He or she also tries to determine how to spend your advertising rupees most effectively and backs up recommendations with solid statistical data and other information.



Media buying:

The media person negotiates for advertising time or space, trying to get the most favorable buys in terms of programming or environment and price. He or she is also the steward of the buy, checking that the advertising runs as planned and bought.



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