Getting Ready for the EXAMS


It is rightly said that “Human brain is the most outstanding object in the world. It functions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It functions right from the time we are born and stop only when we enter the examination hall”. The fact is one cannot do away with it nor can we run away from the exams.


Many students are able to learn and integrate information well, yet when it comes to being tested in an exam, they do not perform to the best of their potential. With coming exams many students skip a beat and become anxious from primary school goers to teens, same is with adults. What else one can call it, the sleepless nights or stress or exam phobia?


In order to get ready for the battle on the D-day the most important is to Plot a Plan which need not be stressful. A little preparation goes a long way. Learning is understandably a very personal matter. There isn’t one study/learning skill or strategy that works for every person in every situation. Therefore, learning to learn strategies are about learning what you know, learning what you don’t know, and learning what to do about it. So bottom-line is Use whatever works for you; discard the rest.


The critical factor in remembering is ‘how well you learn something, not how fast you learn it’. You must “get” something before you can “forget” it. To learn you must be an active, thinking participant in the process, not a passive bystander. In addition, consider when and where you are at your best for learning. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you concentrate best in a bright room with noise or in a cozy, quiet corner?


It has been proved that studying in Short, Frequent and Well Planned Steps – “distributed learning” is highly efficient. Accomplish each step; build upon them. Then use these accomplishments as additional benefits and motivators to move you closer to the final achievement.


If you are emotionally stressed, your brain literally repels data. Forcing yourself to sit and study when your mind is on other things is a complete waste of time! So dont forget to take Guilt-Free Days of Rest. On a day off from studying, really enjoy yourself and do not feel bad about not studying. This approach honors the way the brain likes to work.


It is also very critical to understand that it is normal for the brain to have an attrition rate and to forget things. This does not mean that you are stupid! Instead of getting mad about this fact, you should expect it and deal with it accordingly. Often, a quick overview is sufficient. “Brain fade” is completely normal, Respect it !


Students basically fail to Budget their time realistically. True education is not about cramming material into your brain. True education is the process of expanding your capabilities, of bringing yourself into the world. Remember, Professors can merely set the stage for you to create learning through your own action. So be calm, rested, confident and ready for the exams.

Rachit K Visaria

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Rachit K Visaria
I am Rachit Khushal Visaria , Director of Career Crest. Education: MBA from Nottingham University (UK) B.E (Electronics) - K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering Experience: Worked with Tech Mahindra Ltd and British Telecom, as Onsite Co-ordinator in UK. As I have myself done post graduation from UK, also I have worked in London before my MBA so I have experience of 2.5 years staying+studying+earning in UK which I can pass on to our students. Career Crest is an Educational Consultancy which helps students in counselling, admission. It also helps in Educational Loan, FOREX, Ticketing Etc with no extra charges especially designed for students.


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