Getting the first taste of BMS…..


So finally I had pulled up my socks for a new journey, a journey to NKBMS.

Imagine your mom telling you to be Stylish. Well that was in my case as I was getting ready for my first day at college, my mom called me and said “Dear, go properly dressed, wear shoes, and be a bit stylish. Come on you are attending a degree college.”

In my house I and my Dad are on the same grounds when it comes to dressing and the makeup stuff. We generally like to be simple and hate applying stuff that just improves the material FACE. And as usual I ignored it because I loved being simple. I dressed normally as I used to and started moving to attend the first orientation lecture.

Hurdles have been an integral part of my life. Even though the road is smooth there would be something or the other to trouble me. As soon as I was out of my building it started pouring badly and by the time I reached college I was almost wet only to get to know that the Orientation programme was cancelled and scheduled next week. I had no option but to go back home.

Finally the day arrived and I attended my first Orientation Programme. As usual I reached there at 9.30 am and the orientation had already started at 9.00 am. I was amazed to see a crowd of around 120 students at a stretch. My heart started beating faster and nervousness rolled down the entire body. It was almost a year I was back to study business and it took me some time to settle down and figure out what exactly was going around.

The lecturer was good and interactive. After several interactions and questions he started taking introductions of each student by calling them on stage individually. Some were confident and some were nervous. And finally it was my turn. I was called on stage for my introduction and I started shivering as I had a stage fear. I tried to give my introduction as fast as possible and got back to my seat.

It was a routine for all of us for the next five days of Orientation Programme. And by the end almost everyone gained some confidence to stand up on stage and speak about themselves in a crowd of 120.

The last day of orientation programme – The Student’s Orientation

I reached AV room and could see 15-20 students in complete formals and blazers. To my surprise they were my seniors. I knew something interesting was in store that day. The orientation started with general introduction of what NKBMS was all about followed by the details of 6 semesters and 38 subjects in a span of 3 years. In a meanwhile brochures of Mirage and Kiran were passed on the benches and I was surprised with its shape, design and creativity. Photoshop was what I had been doing since I was in 8 Std. and it immediately gave me a connect with myself.

The orientation programme was followed by the most exciting extra-curricular activities that NKBMS carries out ‘Kiran’ & ‘Mirage’. It was this I found the most interesting out of all the orientation programmes. The next most exciting thing was Industrial Trips and Long Tours. It ended with list of committees and their respective members and their roles. The list was very long with committees like Sponsorship, PR, Editorial, Security, Logistics, Finance, Marketing, Creative, and my Favourite I.T. Committee. The way all the respective heads and the members of the committee presented themselves was really nice.

It was then I had decided to be in I.T. committee, take it as a challenge and learn something more out of it coz Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.
Soon the week ended with the orientation programme and we all were set to start our beautiful and exciting journey of FYBMS…

I was all set to for a brand new kick start not knowing what my destination would be but what I had was only faith in myself.

As it is said “Adventures don’t begin until you get into the forest. That first step is an act of faith.”

Viral Dharod

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