Ghee:  A Healthier Version of Butter?



Ghee or clarified butter is used in countless Indian dishes. It is a healthy, shelf-stable alternative to plain butter or other cooking oils. For centuries, it has been the staple of the Indian Diet and was always an internal part of the ancient medical practice Ayurveda. In India, ghee has always been a sacred and celebrated symbol of auspiciousness, nourishment and healing; especially in the daily rituals of cooking and worship.Modern science now verifies that Ghee has a host of health and cooking benefits and is good for the mind and spirit.

Ghee is made by simmering unsalted butter until all the water evaporates and the milk solids settle at the bottom. These milk proteins are removed and the remaining butter oil is very stable, giving it a high smoke point which makes it an excellent choice to use for frying and sauteing and it can be stored without refrigeration for several months. This power food is an excellent cooking medium because it does not break down in high heat like many cooking oils do, resulting in free radicals. Ghee has a high burning point, so it will neither smoke nor burn when cooked. The spread is best when it’s handmade in small batches. Homemade ghee is fragrant and adds an incomparable richness to any dish.

Research on ghee and health is limited, but fairly consistent. Being pure, ghee is extremely rich in good fats and is a good source of vitamins.  If consumed in large doses, it can be the reason behind cardiovascular diseases. However, if consumed in proportionate doses, it appears to help lower cardiovascular risks, helps in weight loss, appeases the hunger, lowers the risk of cholesterol, enhances eyesight, keeps muscles and tendons healthy. Also, because of lesser amount of fat in desi ghee, it is easier to digest. Consequently, moderate, long-term consumption of ghee can help treat ulcers, acid reflux, constipation and other digestive issues.

Ghee has essential healing properties that are distinctly lacking in other butters. These properties are slowly being validated by Western science. Now, when you know the facts of this super food, Happy eating, but keep a control on the amount.

– Tanvi Shah

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