Girl Child: A Blessing And Not A Curse


Girl Child: A Blessing And Not A Curse

Girl Child

A girl, a creation of God without whom the world wouldn’t have turned into generations. Right from the birth is bonded in so many relations and plays every role in best of her efficiency. From the very first relation of being a daughter, sister, wife mother grandmother and all the other additional relations she tries to accomplish it by keeping everyone happy and without any regrets and appreciation. A girl child the strongest human of all both emotionally and mentally always stands by everyone who needs them and even though there are situations at times where no one stands for her.

A girl who with her one smile can make someone happy with her care and concern can make someone’s day and with her love and can win hearts. She is an ocean of emotions and feelings and can understand everything without one saying. A girl today is forward in everything. She is no more limited to the four walls of her house. She is Pilot, Chef, Doctor, Teacher, Minister name any filed and she has achieved it today. Indeed a girl today is not only a house maker but one who can run the country. She is a person who is filled with enormous talent of multi-tasking, patience, understanding, hard work and determination. She is a complete package of Perfection but yet simplicity.

Even though a girl plays so many roles and is efficient and accomplished in everything she is still considered a curse when she is born. Every year 5,00,000 girls are killed in India just on the pretext that the marriage and education of a girl is burden to the family. The Bias against girls is related to the fact that “Sons are called upon to provide the income; they are the ones who do most of the work in the fields. In this way sons are looked to as a type of insurance”. So boys are given more preference than girls. Every Indian family wants a boy who can be a support to them and carry forward the family name. The indiscrimination against girl doesn’t end with her family that after marriage she is tortured for dowry and killed. The practice of Sati and child marriage which is eradicated today was also another discrimination against girl.

Girl Child 1

     The girl who is worshipped as goddess is brutally treated by hurting her morality and respect.  Every second day girl is raped as she is become a mere object of sex and lust and killed so people are scared to have girls for this reason. The two heart throbbing cases the Nirbahya and the Shakti mill rape case still gives goose bumps to all. People are becoming insane today, they do not even spare the new born babies of such grievous acts. For abolition of such crimes against girls it is first important to change the mind set of people and treat them equally and not a burden. As Government is having free education for girls today so they too are equally efficient to financially support their family. There are even stringent laws for protection of girls that has made them confident to do what they want and move around freely.

It is important to know that without girls a family can’t grow as every boy needs a girl to bring his new generation as she gives birth to the new born. If there wouldn’t be Indira Gandhi then India wouldn’t be a developing country today. Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Williams, Mary kom, Sania Mirza, P.T. Usha are all girls who have brought fame to the country. Mother Teresa who dedicated life for underprivileged and poor and the many Indian women celebrities are examples of girls who have brought respect not only to their families but to the country too. We wouldn’t have them if even they would be killed when they were born. So people should follow their examples and consider girls as gift from God and not curse.

There are many privileges that are made available for girls today. ‘Save girl child’ an initiative for saving girl to end the gender-selective abortion of female foetuses, and ‘Beti Bachao’ campaign with help of billboards, animation films and advertisements is supported by many celebrities, human rights groups, non-government organisations that has improved the female birth rates substantially.. Girl child’s day is celebrated on 11TH October to spread the message of girls’ importance and to increase awareness of inequality faced by girls and to improve their conditions by granting them their basic rights.

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