Girls go for College Reputation whereas Boys want Canteen!


Campus placement, good faculty, infrastructure, WiFi are some other factors which the youth look for while choosing a college. Only 30% students gave importance to discipline.
The survey was conducted among 300 Bachelor of Management Studies students from various colleges in Mumbai by TP Madhu Nair, principal of Nirmala Memorial Foundation College, Kandivli, and assistant professor Poonam Kakkad to understand the young mind and their needs in order to find out how educational institutions can update themselves as per the ‘customers’ need.

A recent survey conducted among college students in the city found out that when it comes to choosing a college, a good canteen matters for boys while girls care more about the reputation of the college.

In the survey, 70.9% girls admitted that the name and reputation of the college is ‘very important’ while taking admission. Only 60.9% boys felt the same. However, 57% boys said that the canteen was ‘very important’.

The survey found that parents have a major say in deciding their child’s college. Parents chose the college for 63.6% girls and 57.6% boys who took part in the survey. Campus placement, good faculty, infrastructure, WiFi are some other factors which the youth look for while choosing a college. Only 30% students gave importance to discipline.
The survey was conducted among 300 Bachelor of Management Studies students from various colleges in Mumbai by TP Madhu Nair, principal of Nirmala Memorial Foundation College, Kandivli, and assistant professor Poonam Kakkad to understand the young mind and their needs in order to find out how educational institutions can update themselves as per the ‘customers’ need.
“Girls mature faster than boys their age, and tend to be more serious about academics. Canteen and other hangout places are more important for boys,” said Minnu Bhonsle, a psychologist.
This study was part of a research paper called ‘Employer Branding — A Competitive Advantage for Educational Institutions in Mumbai’ which insists that colleges don’t provide value education. “Colleges must invest in infrastructure, WiFi, dynamic library, tech-savvy teachers to satisfy their ‘customers’,” said Kakkad.
The study also says that high scorers gave importance to good teachers and attendance. However, extra-curricular activities is the deciding factor for second division and pass class students. Just one in four students with 75% and above marks gave importance to cultural festivals.

Source: DNA India

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