Girls study harder than boys: Myth or Reality?


Do Girls really study harder than boys? With BMS toppers coming out majorly as girl’s year over year we were forced to give this question a serious thought. The answer to it isn’t as simple as it seems to be.

gals stdy harder

One of the facts linked with this question is that learning is a relatively passive activity where the tools to practice are a book and a quiet space in which to read it. Who is more likely to sit down and read a book and learn from it? A testosterone charged boy who desperately wants to fit in socially and rebels against his parents’ wishes or a girl who is naturally passive, less likely to socialize and who listens to the advice of her parents?

Very obviously the genetically more peaceful girl will be able to concentrate better. It’s in her temperament. “For the Indian girl, it is her devotion to her responsibilities that come up first”, says Tevar Saishakti Turai, a BMS student from BNN College. “It is ingrained in us since childhood as a part of our values and so we tend to make the most of the opportunity to study given to us by our parents”, she adds.

Another reason for girls to put in their maximum efforts, where education is concerned id the fact that for many years in the past women were not allowed to go to school and not hold careers that they desired, but within the past 60 years, we have seen a lot of women going out getting their education and doing what they want to do because they were allowed the freedom to truly do so. In a way, education gives them empowerment that their mothers, grandmothers, etc, did not have, ensuring their motive for hard work.

But like every argument this argument too has a flip side. With so many incentives and plans set up by the government women do get that boost in their financials and their morale which at times men don’t. While they are boys, they are lazier than girls which accounts for a major reason for girls beating them in terms of grades. “Boys don’t mug up answers, they do smart work”, says Mohammad Sabuwala a BMSite from Burhani College. “Till a certain age in school the mugging up part and over exhaustive, unnecessary workload works, but once in college and higher studies it’s only the smart workers that have their way”, he says.

boys dnt stdy

A very neutral view came from Komal Tawde a T.Y.BMS student from Satheye College who said “there are boys who make efforts and there are boys who don’t, just like girls. The gender does not determine your levels of hard work. Your own commitment and thirst for success does.” She concludes. And that too very rightly, because in today’s work it’s not only the boys who work hard in making a career nor are girls as silent and disciplined as they are made out to be! Individuals differ and it is only their own hard work that can decide whether they succeed or not.  

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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