Give a brief outline of the Human Resource Planning System. What is Job Evaluation?


Q. a Give a brief outline of the Human Resource Planning System.


Ans.a. Human resource planning means deciding the number and type of the human resources required for each job, unit and the total company for a particular date in order to carry out organizational activities.  It is a process by which an organization moves from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. It is influenced by the strategic management of the co.


  Expansion Additional human resources of existing categories.
  Diversification Additional human resources of different categories
  Acquisitions and Mergers Reduction of human resources of managerial positions
  Retrenchment Reduction of human resources of almost all the categories through VRS and other means
  Low Cost Leadership Reduction of human resources
  Differentiation Strategy Additional human resources of different categories.


Purpose of Human Resource Planning.


–       To recruit and retain the human resource of required quantity and quality.

–       To foresee the employee turnover and make the arrangements for minimizing turnover and filling up of consequent vacancies.

–       To foresee the impact of technology on work.

–       To meet the needs of the programmers of expansion, diversification etc.

–       To improve the standards, skill knowledge, ability discipline etc.

–       To access the surplus or shortage of human resources and take measures accordingly.

–       To maintain congenial industrial relations by maintaining optimum level and structure of human resources.

–       To minimize imbalances caused due to non-availability of human resources of the right kind, right number in the right time and right place.

–       To make the best use of its human resources

–       To estimate the cost of human resources.


Important Elements of Human Resource Planning.


–       Analyzing Corporate and unit level strategies

–       Demand Forecasting: Forecasting the overall human resources requirements in accordance with the organizational plans.

–       Supply Forecasting: Obtaining the data and information about the present inventory of human resources and forecast the future changes in the human resources inventory.

–       Estimating the net human resources requirements

–       In case of future surplus, plan for re-deployment, retrenchment and lay off.

–       In case of future deficit, forecast the future supply of human resources from all sources with reference to plans of other companies.

–       Plan for recruitment, development and internal mobility if future supply is more than or equal to net human resources requirements.

–       Plan to modify or adjust the organizational plan if future supply is more than or equal to net human resource requirements.

–       Plan to modify or adjust the organizational plan if future supply will be inadequate with reference to future net requirements.


Q b. What is Job Evaluation?


Ans. b. Job Evaluation is the process of determining by observation and study and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities of the worker of a successful performance and which differentiates one job from all others. It is concerned with arrangement of jobs in order of relative value within a given organization. Once jobs have been evaluated it is then possible to harness a wage or salary structure to the established hierarchy.

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