“Give your stress wings and let it fly” says Bhavin Rathod, KES TYBMS Topper 2013


An Interview with Bhavin M. Rathod, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper, Khar Education Society Degree College of Commerce & Economics (74.83%)

 bhavin rathod


  • Tell us about yourself.

I never take stress. Love making friends. I like exploring new places especially nature related. I am Very punctual.


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

Noooo…. I never expected to top. It was a shocking surprise!!!!
I am extremely grateful to my parents who always motivate me, professors who guide me, friends who help me when I am in any difficulty & myself that I studied.


  • Did you prepare religiously from day One or A few weeks before the exams?

I never studied from day one as my friends did…..

Key to my success is attending each and every lecture!!!!


  • How did you allot time to different subjects?

I feel…. making your own timetable and achieving your daily target gives you internal pleasure, happiness & motivates you.

Few weeks before exam I started serious studies. I picked up 1 subject, completed 1 unit/day. In 4-5 days 1 subject over.


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams?

SSF & FM– I know we are lazy to sit with books and practice these number related subjects. But at least we can do home work which classes or college provides. That is more than enough.

SSM– It is the hugest subject of sem5 but interesting 1…. It’s more of common things we see in life when we come across any service.

BE– Most boring, small & easy subject.

Logistics & SCM– Very interesting subject. I don’t know why students are scared of this subject.

HRM– Little vast but again its general knowledge.

Write answer in point form.

Size of the answer doesn’t matter…… quality does!!!!

I use to see my friends writing 4-4pages for 10marks answer. I use to get sad internally that I wrote just 2-2 ½ page. But now marks, tells it all.

Case study is very easy to crack…. Just a combination of theory & practical.


  • Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

According to me practical subject (FM & SSF) need classes.

Rest all subjects are self study….


  • Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities? Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

I didn’t participate…. But I could see my friends managing both tasks very efficiently.

  • Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS?

No. I used to help dad in his office. 


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

Give your stress wings and let it fly …

Will the things you are rehashing, over and over again in your mind today really matter in few years time.  And more importantly, do you really know the side effects or damage that’s happening below the surface of a worried looking face.

Doing things you love to do, things which give you happiness is a stress management technique.


  • Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

IV should be increased by MU!!!!

Spending time with your friends, teachers & professionals you meet in an IV, sharing each other’s experience….. is best part of IV….

We learn a lot from IV!!!!


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock? What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

Internals, projects & assignment makes BMS livelier…
It’s like icing on cake!!!!


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe…. This will make studies easy!!!!

Attend lectures!!!!


  • What are the future plans post BMS?

2 years job to learn how to stay under a boss & than planning to join dad’s office.


Keep the good work going…..


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