GK Questions CMAT 20th May Slot 1


1. UN headquarters – new york


2. kaziranga national park opened for which animal.. Rhinoceros, Lion,tiger,Elephant – rhinoceros


3. Lord Curzon ordered Partition of Bengal in which year 1895, 1905,1911,1925 – 1905


4. The 1857 revolt started in which place… kolkata, Meerut, Delhi – meerut


5. In year 1964, Cadbury acquired which of the following product which went on the become famous soon after…. Five Star, Dairy Milk – eclairs


6. Which of the following is plastic money…. Loan, stocks/share, credit card – credit card


7. The amount is written in how many languages on the Indian currency note – 17


8. Vice President of Myanmar – Sia Mauk Kham


9. Meaning of word “tahrir” in Tahrir square, Cairo ,Egypt – liberation


10. Largest Producer of Steel in the world……. India, China,Japan, USA – china


11. Institution which reports about important mining locations in India….. Geolgical survey of India, Mining Department Committee, Survey OF India – GSI


12. Oscars started in which year…….1919,1929,1939,1949 – 1929


13. Gilt edged market……….Govt securities, pure metal, guns –


14. who backed out of Kyoto protcol in 2011…. USa, Canada, China – canada


15. What is the rate below which it is unviable for banks to lend money…. base rate, marginal rate, standard rate, – base rate


16. In case of deficit financing, Govt Of India borrows money from which of these… IMF, RBI, World, local bank – RBI


17 .2013 Law commisioner of India appointed on 4th Jan – d.k.jain


18. Charkula Dance belongs to – Braj


19. Mirage is caused due to? – Total internal reflection.


20. Pushkar festival is held in which month? – October-November


21.bugaati belongs to which company – volkswagen


22. Baikonur Cosmodrome from where Sunit Williams headed for the ISS is in which country Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Krygsthan, Russia – kazakhstan


23.not an indian magazine—a.kid’s play b) sports illustrated c)tehlaka


24. President passed contraception law opposing Roman catholic church. ans. Phillipines


25. The 2010 movie “The King’s speech ” was based on whose story Henry 1 George VI – king george vi

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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cetkingworkshops


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