GK Questions for CMAT 19th May Slot 1


19th may – slot 1

1. King of Thailand – Bhumibol Adulyadej

2. Feminine form of a raga – ragini

3. WTO originated out of? – GATT

4. Which organization won the Nobel peace prize for 2012? – EU

5. Cricketer who is an MP from Amritsar – navjyot singh sidhu

6. In the “Flying Geese” Model of Countries, who is the lead?- japan

7. Flakland wars fought between? UK vs Argentina

8. This country had 15 states, now has 50 – US

9. ” Nirmal Abhiyan” is for what? – To solve sanitation problem in rural areas.

10. Yin/Yang is from which religon? – taoism

11. Which country opposed to Palestine becoming an observer member of UN security council? – US, Israel

12. What is the fiscal deficit planned for FY13-14

13. Ashwariya Rai endorses which wrist watch brand?

14.Which of the following is an icy dust etc etc body that orbits the sun? options:- Meteroid/Meteor/Meteorite/Comet – comet

15.Who was named order of cricket by Australia – Sachin

16. what was the remade name for the film Aurat(1940) by Mehboob – Mother India.

17. parliament system is adopted from?? — UK

18. who wasn’t UN general assembly secretary?? — christine leagarde

19.largest volcano– mauna lao

20. smallest country in the world— vatican city

22.Vasco da gama country – Portugese

23. Lowest PH level of ?? Orange, cucumber, Banana, mango – lemon

24.Current Fiscal Deficit for 2013-14 ? ans 5.2%


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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cetkingworkshops


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