Global Warming- A Devastating Problem


Global Warming

There is no doubt that global warming is indeed the greatest threat on this planet.  What is global warming we all know; we have been learning and listening to this ever since Global warming was in its initial stages. So let’s go deep into its cause, effects and consequences which we all know but do not pay a heed. We all know and we all are aware of the cause, effect and consequences and still we are not even trying to make it work for our betterment rather we are going on repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Why is global warming a problem? The problems seem pretty obvious i.e. climatic condition. Climate change has already begun to transform life on Earth. Larger the change in the climate more negative the consequences will be. Throughout the globe, a lot changes have been faced by people each day. People in some temperate zones may benefit from climatic changes and receive milder winters and more abundant rainfall. But on the other hand people in other part of the world will suffer from increased heat waves leading to fires in the forest and heat related disorders, rise and fall of temperatures, coastal erosion and landslides, rising sea level causing floods and storms, more erratic rainfall, drought and famine, destruction to crops and natural vegetation, domesticated and wild life extinction.

Meanwhile, when the globe is facing so many devastating problems the planet must still supply living beings with pure air, purified clean drinking water, food and safe places to live. Our planet is already providing us ample of things yet we humans are never satisfied, our demands are never ending, our desires are never fulfilled. Although we know that chemicals harm the atmosphere we still make use of it in some or the other way, cutting of trees ruins the environment and there will be more erratic rainfall we still cut more and more trees instead of planting some. In order to accomplish our selfish desires we are not only using our land but also entering into wild life and forest.

When we ourselves are not bothered about our planet Earth then why should our planet bother about us? We all need to keep this in mind that if we do not act now Global Warming will rapidly alter the lands and waters and all the things we need and depend on for survival. There will be a time when we live be living on a planet with nothing. And who is to suffer all of this, may be not us but the future generations to come will be living in a barren lands with no food and water. We all know and we all are aware of the cause, effect and consequences and also the solutions to this problem but still we are not even trying to make it work for our betterment rather we are going on repeating the same mistake over and over again.

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Daisy Pais


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