Go Click Crazy and get the amazing opportunity to become ‘Mahan’!



You are the youth of today, you hate the condition of our nation but you won’t take it sitting back, you will stand up for what is correct and you will ensure that there is a change, won’t you? If that describes you, then my friend you have all the qualities of becoming ‘Mahan’.

In our RashtraBhasha (National language) ‘Mahan’ means ‘Great’ and ‘Greenpeace India’ is giving you an opportunity to become truly ‘Mahan’, that too in a totally creativeand fun way! Greenpeace which is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.(http://www.greenpeace.org/india/en/)

They are currently working on a Project ‘Junglistan’, which is a campaign to save the Indian ‘Mahan’ forests from destruction. ‘Mahan’ is a gorgeous forest area in Madhya Pradesh that 62 villages rely on for their livelihoods. The trees in Mahan are one of the ancient sal forests in Asia. To the south is a tiger reserve, to the east a reservoir, and ‘Mahan’ is an important wildlife corridor.

Now, the reason they have taken up this ‘Mahan’ project is, that in the current situation with the elections approaching, the government, in particular the Ministry of Environment and Forests has granted clearance to ‘Mahan Coal Limited’ for coal mining in the forest. (Read more: http://www.greenpeace.org/india/en/What-We-Do/Quit-Coal/save-mahan/)

Greenpeace along with YOUR help plans to save the forest of Mahanby creating enough noise through media and online space of Junglistan’s 1 million strong community. The best part is the very interesting and creative way in which they plan to do this!

 Imagine 200,000 photographs of individuals holding a placard that says #iamMahan. 200,000 people.200,000 photographs. 200,000 face’s that say – Leave Mahan alone! Now that’s something that’s hard to ignore, isn’t it?With YOU on board, we can make that happen. You’re brilliant, you’re hungry for change and you have ideas trickling into your head already. You’re just the person to make this happen!

Hop on board and be a part of this innovative ‘Mahan’ quest, that too with nothing more than your cell-phone or a camera and the awesome #iamMahan placard!

The Target:

Your target is to get 30 #iamMahanphotos for the photo mosaic.

It’s simple:

  • Create an A3 placard that says I am Mahan. (See design at the end of this story)
  • Charge your camera battery or mobile phone.
  • Go crazy clicking photos of people holding up the placard.
  • Don’t forget to talk to people and tell them the Mahan story and why they are getting clicked.
  • Make sure the photo is taken in landscape mode, not portrait.
  • Upload the 30 photos to this link: http://greenpeace.in/photo-tool/[email protected]

Here’s an Idea:

Feel free to explore various opportunities like college festivals, art festivals, an evening outing with friends. The craziest idea we’ve heard this far is a photo booth at a friend’s wedding! The beaches, outside a railway station, at a historic place in your city or a tourist hotspot…the possibilities are endless.


Send us a report detailing the following:

  • Your experience of the event
  • Steps you followed & challenges faced
  • Name, contact number and email address for the 30 people you click
  • Send the assignment on [email protected] and[email protected]
  • Subject of the Mail would be: BMS website,Junglistan assignment.

*You can always Call, text or email us with your questions (if any) by contacting:

SushantThakur : +91-9820306878/ [email protected]

Get creative while having a lot of fun and at the same time proudly say #iamMahan!

i m mahan

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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