GOING FAR: 3 Completely Amazing Travel Destinations In China



Its vacation time and many of us are bored with the usual waterparks and beach picnics. Here I’ll be enlightening you about places that are budget travel destinations as well as destinations if you wish to splurge a bit. Here you can also get few handy tips while you plan your travel, reviews about places and experiences shared by the wanderers.

Today starting with our own neighbour ‘China’.

Here’s 3 little-known destinations that make for the perfect weekender while visiting CHINA.

1)      FOR ZEN-SEEKERS- meditate at the Hanging Monastery of Xuangkong:

Local legend has it, that what Time magazine once called one of the world’s top 10 most dangerous buildings, was originally built by one monk in 491 AD. Built into a rock face, it is supported by slim oak pillars fitted into holes chiselled into the cliffs leaving it as if its a hanging temple.

When to go: Spring & Summer

2)      FOR NATURE LOVERS- marvel at nature in Jiuzhai Gou

Nine Stockades Gully, Nine Village Valley or Jiuzhai Gou is China’s best kept secret. This UNESCO World Heritage site is a reserve of snow capped mountains & valleys dusted with Tibetan villages nestled between blue pools & reeds, the Five Flower Lake & Pearl Falls.

When to go: Autumn & spring are best for little to no crowds.

3)      FOR ADRENALINE JUNKIES- hug cliffs at Hua Shan

Mount Hua, you see, is one of the five most sacred Taoist mountains in China & is characterised by five peaks, crags, crannies, steep ascents, gullies & unrivalled views. Those who suffer from FOF (fear of falling), a convenient cable car option is also available, as is mountain top hotel for overnighters.

When to go: Summer, early in the morning is best.


– By Navmeen Khot


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