Gone but will never be forgotten @ MMK College


The three beautiful years spent at MMK BMS were just marvelous. They are not just three years of Graduation but wonderful and significant years that will always remain close to my heart. The memories of the time spent here will be cherished for life time. Reminiscing these memories will always bring pleasure to the mind. Surely gonna miss these days. It is tough and sad to acknowledge the fact that this has marked an end to our college life and now it’s the moment to move on, to explore, to be in corporate world, to be independent, to actually slog…to solve the puzzle of life..!!


We all had a notion of BMS students always being piled up with projects, presentations and all and to certain extent it was true; but at the same time it was fun…now we master the art of preparing presentations. We have made about 30-40 presentations and projects in these three years on various topics forcing us to think out of the box…Few presentations we have had on Sundays entire day for presentations and it was never dull or dreary. Always fun to see the interesting ppts made by other groups and more interesting the Question-Answer session after that and pin-pointing the details..:P It was indeed a lovely time.


Always had a good faculty in college, providing support and guidance and motivating & encouraging us to excel in academics and also in extra curricular activities. More importantly, a friendly faculty that has always been by our side.
The best and the worst part of MMK BMS was fluctuating schedule of lectures. We hardly ever had a routine time…we had lectures between 730-5 almost all the slots of lectures we have had.


The Best aspect of BMS was the festival. BMS festivals were an attraction. It was amazing to be a part of those fests. Organizing Lakshya was a fun filled time, amusing and enjoyable, and attending other colleges’ fests was more enthusiastic; with every college having something unique to showcase and entertain. Every day of the fests was lovely- sports day, carnival day, treasure hunt…and the best of all the cultural day to be like adding cherry to the cake…with the beautiful dance, drama, fashion show and lots of cheering for your college…infact it used to be a hooting war.


We don’t specialise in any subject in BMS…we are made to adapt to versatality…We were grilled quite a lot in BMS…but at the same time it was fun…will miss all the time spent here. <3 <3 <3

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