Good News Girls! 13 Secret Little Signs A Guy Likes You Truly


Hey guys, wassup!! My previous article on relationships was about signs that he is not into you. So most definitely my article is a contradiction to my previous article about Hey Girl, Sorry! : 10 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You!! Last time I told that at times the guy doesn’t show mutual feelings for your affection but that is not the case at all times. There are also many genuine guys who do reciprocate for your feelings and even then if you are confused then follow these signs to confirm that this guy is definitely your Prince Charming! So stay tuned…


1. When he playfully teases or wrestles with you, chances are that he like you and feels confident about being silly around you without you judging him!

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2. When a guy likes you, he would definitely want be as close to as possible. So if he always invades your personal space without being creepy chances are that he likes you!!!


3. People that could actually solve this “does he like me?” mystery are his friends. Look out for times when they push him to you or tease you guys often making the guy nervous! Ding ding ding he likes you and his friends know it!!!


4. When the guy who likes you gets all nervous around you and you feel that he could barely make it from point A to B, HE LIKES YOU!!!


5. When he stares at you! Other times it might be creepy but in this case he just cannot help but look anywhere else but in your direction. It’s like you have become his new eye candy!!!


6. Whenever you say you like a thing and he says,”OMG! MEE TOO!!WE ARE SO MEANT TO BE!!” Chances are really high that he wants to know more about you! Or at times when you say you like a particular thing and then he would do that thing for rest of his eternity. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED GIRL!!!


7. When he texts and calls you more than necessary and sometimes without any purpose. Let him. He loves to talk and listen to you!


8. When he remembers every small detail about you and your conversation and he laughs at all your silly jokes that were so poor that it could turn someone mental! He likes you. Period!!!


9. He opens up to you and wants to share more about him and his life and he trusts you that you won’t judge him! Listen him out. Will ya???


10. Whenever he asks you whether you are single or not! He is not creating a scrapbook dear, he wants to know whether he can confess to you anytime soon!!


11. He will definitely go pea green with envy and will get irritated if you praise some other random guy in his presence! He likes you!! (wink wink)!!


12. One thing that will surely give you clear answers is his speed of walking. Guys tend to walk fast with friends or people they aren’t romantically involved with but they actually walk really slowly when they are with someone who they like or want to be related to!


13. And lastly, guys are really predictable and impatient; they will definitely let you know about their feelings one day or another. So just wait for that moment but don’t pester him by asking him again and again. Let him take his own time!!!


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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.


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