Good Samaritan BMS girl lauded for heroic effort


The 19-year-old Michelle Kazin Kamle was the only one to rush to Mayur Mehta’s aid, who was a victim of a knife attack in Kalyan on Saturday night. Unfortunately, her rescuing efforts went in vain as Mehta succumbed to his injuries. The first-year Bachelor of Management Studies student at Birla college, was on Tuesday felicitated at the Platinum Hall in Kalyan by the Thane city commissioner KP Raghuvanshi for her deed.

In her acceptance speech, she said that there were more than 50 to 60 people present, but none offered any help, they just stood and watched. “I am a Muslim girl and in our religion, we do not remove our headscarf but at that moment, I did what was right,” Michelle said. No rickshaw driver was ready take Michelle and the wounded Mehta to the hospital. Even threats didn’t work on the drivers.

“Thankfully, there is stillsome humanity left and a few came forward to help me to take Mehta to the Telavane Hospital. But by the time we reached the hospital, Mehta had lost a lot of blood and the doctors couldn’t save his life. Only if, people could have me, we could have saved a lot of time and brought him to the hospital earlier,” said Michelle.

The proud father, Kazim was thrilled that his daughter was being feliitated by KP Raghuvanshi.

“Today, I am very proud of my daughter. Everybody is appreciating and applauding her efforts.

Today when I went for a walk, two girls on the road recognised me and said, ‘hey look, Michelle’s father’. That was the most happiest moment of my life.”

Mehta’s niece said, “The family is shocked. It was their wedding anniversary, a joyous occasion that went horribly wrong. We were waiting for my uncle to come home but instead we received the news that he is seriously injured.”



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