I am writing this cuz’ I really wanted to say some things but not got chance to say…anyway! I am doing it now by being so genuine.
Okk let me start by saying.. “I’ve been doing this for 2 years now. Love me or hate me, I hope the Acharyians can respect that day in and day out, I’ve given it my all and this is one of the most unforgettable journey they ever saw.”
I believe in destiny and everything happens for the reason, When I signed up with this, I never knew what kind of adventure it’s gonna be. I have traveled from hundreds of minds and made wonderful people all the way long! …It’s…..Woooww
Being most newest student of my dept. I started wid taking doubtful visions of everyone abt my survival in very short time. I not got welcomed properly …lol it was bad, I must say…! I done wid my best job and proved myself and became fav. student of almost every teacher. Later I started creating my base and storyline went good. A nice relationship of father and son came into existence with Prof. L. Sabnis and I almost got a value there and domination started. No one dared to get me on trap cuz My Coordinator was with me and I’d accept my power became less after his exit…I never survived there on some odd terms which were there before me. Being a straight forward, I started having disputes with ppl around. Some rivalries in this college saw my involvement. My rivalry with Prof. Lakshmichaya Kale was an epic and we fought deadly for almost 6-7 months..and I ended up wid losing my rank and She got kicked out of the college! It’s funny but I am responsible for exit of 6 teachers in just 1 year..wowwww! Though I was in lamplight due to my crazy lifestyle. People think its odd but for me its an uniqe one and I am so proud of it..which makes me different. I rather came in news cuz of hot-hot topics (gossips) abt my relationship and breakouts wid sum fellow students esply wid guys…lol I’m lovin’ it! I played both the roles, I was a ‘heel’ (pessimistic) and I was a ‘face’ (optimistic) too. That’s why I got some nick names like Drama Company, Nautanki, Controversy King, etc (devil laugh..lol) …. I never done something extra..it’s all natural. People gave it all to my doorstep so how can I waste their efforts? :p
Talking abt my achievement so yes! I got a big bag which I am carrying right now. I got the chance to represent college into NAAC meeting, to lead the college successfully in many intercollegiate competitions and seminars, being only writer from my whole self-finance dept. for writing sum articles in college magazine, I started grand Industrial visits hope people u know this, One time came when college was thinking to appoint me as a spl. faculty, I got the chance to induct all juniors of my college in induction program in front of a huge crowd. how many ppl get the chance to start a college festival? well I got! I became one of the voice and face of the Phoenix…I gave my almost everything for it! I am so glad to this colg for taking me in their family.. lol, search on the internet for college pics..they are uploaded by Me but I can’t stop myself by saying that..’I have done lots of thing for this college than this college has given to me.’
Finally! Yes I agree..I played politics, I took revenges, I was fake sumtimes, I played mind-games. I fought for good, I cared, I updated, I Helped and I leaded all these I did because I know how to and when to keep my profile low and high…doesn’t matter I was right or wrong..I got success everytime! I faced everything which put in front of me by fighting with my health issues and my job….So glad that my (former) principal and trusties know my name and I am quite famous, Yes I am! 2 years of domination, extremes, controversies, achievements, aggression, criticism and appreciation ending up today. I am going but going as a one of the best student they ever had….. . It was not a sudden exit, it’s all preplanned!
My many dear ones are asking me abt my comeback, so I’ll never say no but I just came out so now I am just concentrating to create my base on my new place and now I am in final year so no long lasting comeback is possible but I am surely going to make some special appearances here and there! I am feeling like I got promotion and not sad at all..but will miss that corridor, classes and all u guys and finally 4 pillars who stood by me every time – Prof. Laxman Sabnis (the best man I ever saw), Prof. Rajlaxmi Hebsur (a talented lady wid huge achievements), Prof. Sneha Kutty (a sweetest one who gave many turns to my life) and Prof. Khushboo Mehta (woooww, a brilliant lady with a charming talent) you all are like parts of my family and I’ll never let u go ….
“Atlast Thank you for the love and the hate. Thank you for being you and for watching me. Hopefully I’ll see you around – not in the corridor – but maybe someday, somewhere.” God Bless You All….
– Nakshatra………..upsss Naksh/Nakshu, etc…. 🙂