Google And Twitter Will Now Show Public Disaster Alerts



Google has partnered with Twitter to show the disaster struck locations through incorporation of tweets. Now, when the company issues a public disaster alert from official sources, such as the National Weather Service, it will include relevant tweets in Google Now, Search and Maps, as well as on its Public Alerts website.
The announcement came via a Google+ post from the Google Crisis Response team. Google made the Crisis Response page to make critical information more accessible in times of disaster.
This service has started form 3rd June 2014. The idea behind this is to have the public’s tweets help answer questions in emergency situations. The feature is currently for English-speaking regions and only for Google’s Public Alerts product. The company is also working towards adding “new kinds of social content to other products and geographies in the future.”
The announcement came via a Google+ post from the Google Crisis Response team. Google made the Crisis Response page to make critical information more accessible in times of disaster.
Some of the extreme Public Alerts will include Tweets to help answer important questions: are schools closing? Are neighbors evacuating? What are people seeing on the front lines of a storm?” Google noted in its post.


By Anand Thakkar

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