Google Desperate to make money ?


I opened my mailbox like any other day and was reading mails but something was feeling different.

If it had been any other day, it would’ve gone unnoticed but today being a saturday, I had the leisure to browse around.

I kept checking and deleting mails as you can see in the screenshot, i’m heavy on mails as I make it a point to connect with a lot of people and reply to everyone, mostly with short replies but nevertheless I do try to reply to almost all mails I receive. Ok, i’ve started wandering again. Lets get to the point.

While checking my mail there was this light pink color that kept on irritating me and while I appreciate google for its FREE revolutionary game changing email service, I feel concerned with this new *intrusive* way of advertising. Google’s market share in the red with facebook’s intense competiton.

Is that the reason google is splashing ads all over the place? What is your opinion?

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Kartik Raichura
Kartik Raichura is the founder and CEO of - the world's leading management education focused community platform. A business post graduate from Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai, Kartik Raichura has been an author, a public speaker, and a social worker. He's also the recipient of Star Young Entrepreneur Award and has addressed the audience at Tedx Indore.


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