Tips for googling! ! !


Tips for googling! ! !

In the era of 21st century, google is the instrumental force for development, it may be anything and everything you just need to google it and you are done. Today, the context of GOD is changing and now is all like Google Oriented Development (GOD).

But every time you search for something you never get the desired outcome always, because the crowd doesn’t know to search it in a manner to get the desired result at once.

It would be really great if you get the stuff that you were searching for in a seconds, and the same desired result would be a motivational factor to you to develop in a way you wanted to be, for that you need to remember or learn or memorize certain terms, certain techniques while searching. If at all you are able to do this, than the world is yours explore it and develop yourself!! ! This post would be really so very helpful to all if you implement the same in your real-time schedule. . .

Here are the techniques:-

Exact Search: It lets you search the exact stuff that you are looking for let’s say you are looking for content about Yahoo messenger. Instead of just typing Yahoo messenger into the Google search box, you need to type it explicitly for the phrase. To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.

“Yahoo messenger”

Exclude Words: For instance you  were searching for internet marketing, but you want to exclude all the results that contain the term advertising. To do the above, you need to use “-” sign in front of the word that you want to be excluded from the results while searching.

Internet marketing -advertising

Site Specific Search: If at all you are looking for a particular website. Than you need to  type it in a way like this “internet marketing”

Boolean Operators: The boolean operators like AND,OR,NOT can be used in search box to connect the words !The search engine understands them as what they mean but the must be in capital letters ! For Eg swim OR float. This will return the results containing either swim or float! ! ! and the same can be done in OR and NOT as well. .

Word Definitions: If you need to quickly look up thedefinition of a word or phrase, simply use the “define:” command and you are done. Define: perception

Search a phonebook: “phonebook” searches for street address and phone number information. For instance phonebook : Abhishek + INDIA will list down all names of person having “Abhishek” in their names and located in “INDIA”.

Searching a keyword that is in a Particular Website. The “intext:” syntax searches for words in a particular website. It ignores links or URLs and page titles.Intext : Deployment will return only links to those web pages that has the search keyword “Deployment” in its webpage.

To get the current time of any city globally. All you need to do is time: cityname For example:- time: Mumbai will redirect you to the page with the result of the current time and the current day.

Searching a particular type of a file This “filetype:” syntax restricts Google search for files on internet with particular extensions (i.e. doc, pdf or ppt etc). filetype: perception.doc

Searching site: The “site:” syntax restricts Google to query for certain keywords in a particular site or domain. Site:

Use Of ‘~’ sign : Using ‘~’ before any word will return the results also containing the synonyms of the word !

intitle: Searches sites with one search term in the title.

allintitle: Searches sites with all search terms in the title.

inurl: Searches sites with one search term in the URL.

allinurl: Searches sites with all search terms in the URL. All the above can be done by downloading a simple tool “GOOGLE HACKS”

Download Google Hacks For Free

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist


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