Gopinath Munde’s death- BJP in a SHOCK!


MUNDEGopinath Munde, a senior BJP leader and Union Minister for Rural Development, died today ie. 3rd JUNE 2014, after being in a road accident, followed by a cardiac arrest. He was headed to the Delhi airport in his chauffeur driven SX4 with his personal assistant. The accident took place at 6.20 in the morning, at Prithviraj Road and Aurobindo Cross section in Delhi, when an Indica crashed his car.

After the police enquiry, the driver said that the Indica crashed the car on the side where Gopinath Munde was seated on the rear seat. He even told that the minister asked for water after the accident and then was rushed to AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), 10mins after the accident. He received CPR and then was declared dead at 8.00 a.m. Doctors said he had suffered multiple internal injuries and ruptured his liver leading to his death, whereas his driver and personal assistant were unhurt.

This incident is a major setback for BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid a wreath and consoled Gopinath Munde’s family, including his daughter. Members of BJP are worried that the death of Gopinath Munde might affect Narendra Modi’s focus as he was close to him and was a great leader too. Narendra Modi tweeted “ My tributes to a dynamic leader whose premature demise leave a void hard to fill.”

This has been a second mega tragedy for BJP in a decade, as barely 8 years ago on 3rd MAY Pramod Mahajan, Munde’s brother-in-law was shot by his brother Pravin Mahajan!

For the BJP, Munde’s death will be deeply felt as he was one of the few grassroots leaders who toured even the most remote parts of the state for their development.

– Saloni Tolia

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