Grand Theft Auto V is back with the PC version


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After a long wait of pc gamers, finally, it is a good news that GTA V will finally be available for pc version. The PC version of this game is available for pre order at Games. But one thing is still in search is official launch date of the game on this platform, as it is said to be launched in November.

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No doubt this game is a masterpiece and is rated the best GTA game ever, but the price tag of this game is quite huge just like the open world of this game. GTA IV was released in India with a price tag of 499, so considering this fact the price of the game is expected to be around 1000 rupees which is a good deal for gem of a game GTA V is as the Xbox 360 and Play Station 3 users have experienced it.

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GTA V will also be available for next-gen gaming consoles PS4 or Xbox-One, at a relatively costlier price 3499 online. But to be fair it is Xbox One and PS 4, the best gaming consoles out there in the market where a game like GTA V will be experienced to the next level. So if you are a die hard GTA fan, then quickly visit the site and pre order the game a better option would be to wait for some time and allow the price to decrease as GTA VI is not coming soon so you can surely wait if you find it out of budget.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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