Greatest Sledging In Cricket



Sledging is a word mainly used in cricket.  Sledging is regarded as something which is in the dark side of the cricket but I regard sledging as an art, a weapon, which can be used when things aren’t going right, which can be used to destroy opponent’s confidence, which increases drama and excitement. Without sledging, cricket will be boring..…, sledging is a way of taunting the opponent. Well it’s much more than taunting, sometimes these are aggressive and sometimes damn funny; here is the list of some of the greatest sledging in cricket ever.

It was 1991 Australia vs Pakistan and Javed Miandad was batting for Pakistan, He tried to sledge the bowler Merv Hughes by saying “Merv, you are a big fat bus conductor”, later Merv dismissed Mianded and ran towards Mianded shouting “Tickets Please”.

South Africa’s Daryll Cullinan was a big target of Shane Warne who haven’t played him for two years so Shane Warne went towards Daryll and said “I have been waiting two years for another chance at you”.. Daryll Cullinan replied “Looks like you spent it eating”

Vivan Richards was batting against Greg Thomas, While Richards being one of the greatest batsman ever wasn’t able to play Thomas’s balls and was missing it so Thomas came on and said “It’s red, round, now hit it” and the very next ball Richards hit it out of the ground and said to Thomas “You know what it looks like, now go and get it”.

It was Australia vs England, James Ormond was batting, Mark Waugh standing at the slip taunted “What are you doing here? You are not good enough for England”.. as Mark’s brother Steve Waugh was captain of Australia, Ormond replied to Mark “Maybe so, atleast I’m the best player in my Family”.

Though sometimes sledging may feel funny and exciting, it also has its ugly side, one of the worst sledging was between Glenn McGrath and Ramnaresh Sarwan… It was Australia vs West Indies and Sarwan was having one of his best matches ever, McGrath frustrated asked Sarwan “How does Brian Lara’s d*ck taste like?”, Sarwan replied “I don’t know ask your wife”.. McGrath lost his mind, as his wife was diagnosed with cancer and was ill at that time, “If you ever mention my wife again, I’ll rip your f**kn throat out”

It’s a matter of subjective opinion whether sledging should be banned as without it cricket might seem boring, just imagine bowlers and batsman not saying a single word in entire match, though personal attacks should be punished as it doesn’t show cricket as a “Gentleman’s Game” to the world.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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