“Enigma 2013 – The Time Machine, the cultural festival of R. A. Podar College of Commerce And Economics, presents the first ever Green Marathon to be held in the vicinity of Matunga, in collaboration with Indian Oil Corporation – CSR Partners of Enigma 13.
The “Green Marathon” is a chance for everybody to support and contribute to the environmental legacy of the Green Initiative of Enigma. The main objective of the Initiative is to preserve the existing unique natural surroundings of Mumbai along with developing a sense of belonging towards environment.
Participants will enjoy the support of several spectators as they run through 3 localities around the heart of the city.
This Marathon will be held in the morning of 25th August 2013, Sunday.
So come and register yourself for the great cause and win Exciting prizes by sending your name, college and number to our social initiative head :
Pritesh Kalbhor +91 8097988347″