Group Discussion and Personal Interviews not required to get into B-Schools!!!


Getting admission to business schools in the state has become easier. In a major decision on Friday, state higher and technical education department did away with group discussion (GD) and personal interview (PI) for MBA admission.

The Common Management Aptitude Test (CMAT) score is enough to fetch candidates a seat in management institutes because the state has more than enough seats. “There will be no GD and PI. Admission will be based only on CMAT score now,” said Dayanand Meshram, joint director of technical education of Maharashtra.

Scores of CAT, MAT, XAT and ATMA will also be accepted for admission which will start by next week. “The directorate of technical education has been directed to initiate the admission rounds for 47,250 seats across 410 B-schools based on CMAT score,” said an official.

CMAT is an all-India test conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Most states, including Maharashtra, have discontinued their state-level tests and opted for CMAT score from this year.

“About 40,000 candidates appeared for CMAT across India this year. Even if we assume that 50% of them prefer Maharashtra, half our seats go vacant,” said an official of Directorate of Technical Education. The directive clarified that candidates who score zero will not be admitted.

The directorate had sent the proposal to the government in March and it was approved on May 24. The official said that AICTE has not mandated GD and PI and Gujarat has discontinued these in phases. “Several candidates used to be eliminated despite scoring high in CET as they lacked minimum skills needed to qualify for an MBA degree. The move will deteriorate the quality of management education in the state,” said a professor of Sydenham Institute of Management.

Another professor welcomed the move. “GD and PI were not conducted in a transparent manner. Sometimes, a better candidate used to be eliminated over a recommended one,” he said.

JBIMS professor SM Fakih said: “IITs admit pupils based on a written test, so why do we need GD and PI for MBA? But no one has studied that how many students who scored high in written score low in group discussion and personal interview.”

In the past

The group discussion and personal interview were two important stages during admission to B-schools in Maharashtra till last year.

While the weightage given to written exams (common entrance test) was 200 marks, 40 marks were allocated for the group discussion and the personal interview (17 marks for GD, 17 marks for PI, 4 marks for work experience and 2 marks for academic records).


Source: DNA

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