“Guess Who” Contest #5


“Guess Who” Contest #5













W Chan Kim is co-founder and co-director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute and The Boston Consulting Group Bruce D. Henderson Chair Professor of Strategy and International Management at INSEAD, France.

Prior to joining INSEAD, he was a professor at t

he University of Michigan Business School, USA.

He has served as a board member as well as an

advisor for a number of multinational corporations in Europe, the United States and Pacific Asia. He is an advisory member for the European Union and is the country advisor to Malaysia. He was born in Korea.

Kim is a Fellow of the World Economic Forum. His Harvard Business Review articles, co-authored with Renee Mauborgne, are worldwide bestsellers and have sold over half a million reprints.

Renee Mauborgne is the INSEAD distinguished fellow and a professor of strategy at INSEAD.

Both Kim and Mauborgne are winners of the Eldridge Haynes Prize, awarded by the Academy of International Business and the Eldridge Haynes Memorial Trust of Business International, for the best original paper in the field of international business.


Their book, Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, published in 2005 has become an international best seller.



Winner for “Guess Who” Contest #5 is Nimesh Shahfgetheth

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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at BMS.co.in currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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