Guess Who Tops In Everyone’s List Of Favorite People – One Person, One Relation


Guess Who Tops In Everyone’s List Of Favorite People – One Person, One Relation


We all have our set of favorite thing, cuisines, places, and even people. Some people knowingly or unknowingly become the most important part of our lives. We develop a habit of being surrounded by them on our happiest moments and even in our difficult situations. When we are away from them we miss them and always wish for their happiness and joy.


Although everyone thinks differently, choices and opinions of each one of us differs but, there is one person, one relation which is same in all the lists of favorite people- MOTHER. Our mom is one of our favorite persons in the world. She is the person who cannot be replaced. She knows it all.


Whether it’s taking care of the house, children and family or going out for work, she has the ability and skill to complete all tasks before time and still stay calm, patient and helpful. We all remember our childhood and there is no such memory which does not include our mothers. Whether it be learning to take the first step or learning to speak. After teaching the name of God every child is taught to say “Mom”. We all have beautiful and unforgettable memories of our childhood. That one person who made our childhood the most awesome one is our mother.


Why just childhood? Even as we grow when we get busy in our lives and think we can take care of ourselves our moms are worried about us every time we step outside the house. A relationship between a mother and her children is such that neither of them can live without each other. It is the first important relations that one develops in his/her life. As we grow in life we think we have become independent and can do everything on our own and their care which was a form of love in our childhood and growing days irritates us. We tend to talk to her in an inappropriate manner and hurt her sentiments without even thinking for a minute.


As a mom’s love never changes every child should at least try and show the same love which our mom’s deserve and make her as happy as possible!

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Afifa Qureshi


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