Guidelines for Assignments

  • The answers to the assignments are to be written in the prescribed response sheet. Each student will have to write Assignments in the A4 assignment sheets.
  • The answers to the assignment should be in your own words. You should not reproduce the study material  or  copy  the  information  from  other  sources.  Whenever  you  quote  the  text/  books/Journals, you must give the reference.
  • Each assignment should have a suitable introduction and an apt conclusion.
  • The  answers  should  be  precise,  well  documented  and  relevant  to  the  questions  raised  in  the assignments.
  • Make  sure that  you have attempted to deal with all the main parts/  sections of the

assignments  &  illustrate  relating  the  content  of  the  assignment  to  present  day  situations  &  with

relevant current examples.

  • Keep the word limit of a particular question in mind if mentioned. Slight variation in length does not matter much, but your answers should not be too short or too lengthy.
  • Write your answers in your own handwriting. If your handwriting is not legible and if you are convinced that others will have difficulty in reading your handwriting, you may type your  responses.
  • Please keep with you a copy of the assignment response which you submit in the college. You may need them in case you have to resubmit them in a situation they may have been lost or misplaced in the institute.
  • Complete your assignment response sheet well before the last date set for it.

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