Gulp Down The Stress With Exam Time :)



“What really happens to students in days of stress? When their exams are approaching near, and still they feel their preparation has a large vacuum! When such a situation occurs, students scurry for notes, rush to their advisor office, make trips to the library and experience dehydration phases due to overwhelming anxiety levels.”


Exam time has reduced for many this pain of gathering study material. It is a virtual learning platform that provides one with an oasis of learning applications, all in one place! The website incorporates some very unique features that let learners fertile their knowledge basis with great ease. Let us first see what the forum has to offer teachers and students, and then we’ll move onto their benefits and advantages.

Mind map:  it’s an informative game, you get to link up chunks of information and build their relevance with each other. A web of sources will result in a consolidated map providing the best of knowledge & comprehension.

Flash cards:  if you are among those who see letters flying from the text when it is presented to you in a bulk, you’ve hit the right place. Try flashcard for a change. You will love the way information in simplified versions will become a sticky note for your neurons.

Quizzes:  these will serve as the shovel eradicating the fear of final exams from your souls. Students end up choking with nervousness at the eleventh hour of examination. This preparatory tool will calm down your Goosebumps and provide you with inner confidence.

Online lectures: with the idea of virtual learning, popped up this beautiful notion that practically every student relishes. Online lectures save time and energy and serve as the most useful resource of education during strenuous examination times.

Setting goals: if you are the king of procrastination, probably you’ll need this tool extensively. What makes us successful in our life is making the best use of time. Goals and strategies become for us lanes leading to greater accomplishments.

Groups:  the best part here is the medium allows you to socialize for constructive outcomes! Either you are a member of the study group, resource sharing or the project group, you have liberty to post your ideas and seek guidance regarding any query and problem.

Study planner:  following the conventional success theory, we must understand the importance of ‘planning’. So What if you are not running businesses here, a plan is mandatory for the appropriate execution of your academic curriculum.

This overview has given us a crystal clear idea as to what will propel our efforts in the right direction. Exam time is a wing for teachers and students help them reach the summits. When people speak of this virtual learning platform there is a tinge of awe and admiration in their tone, for instance Katie Douglas an experienced teacher quotes:

“My Pupils love using Exam Time because it’s intuitive and easy-to-use. They’ve been so impressed by the site so far especially the Mind Maps tool.”

On the other hand mothers have a different perspective, for them it’s some jackpot for their kids, as Craig McKinley, a satisfied parent asserts:

“Seeing my 15 year old son picking up ideas because he is using Exam Time – it’s almost as if a light has come on to the way he learns and revises.”

Moreover Students have a die-hard crush for mind maps, Loretta Jones says:

“Using Exam Time’s Mind Map facility, I can condense a lot of info in a colorful and useful way! I am studying Chemistry and Exam Time suits me perfectly.


Putting it in a cocoon, with the world advancing via fire like place, things are getting swift as waves. This new insight into studying has brought smiles to the faces of young learners, all thanks to EXAM TIME

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