Gulzar Mesani, Hinduja College


Name – Gulzar Mesani
College – K.P.B Hinduja college of commerce

Tell us about yourself
I believe that if everything is going smoothly in my life, I am not walking fast enough. I like new challenges and problems and I feel very happy when I solve them.

Tell us about your college
In Hinduja college, you are not just a student but a part of hinduja family, The college gives equal importance to studies and extra curricular activities.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
In June 2010, I am in FYBMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
My ambition is to become business tycoon, BMS is my first step for it.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
The extent of BMS is not limited to learning different subjects related to business but it is also about how well you can demonstrate what you have learned through assignments and presentations.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
Our coordinator Sheetal Mam, she always motivate students, treat everyone equally and she is always there for us.

What has BMS life taught you?
BMS taught me how to build and lead a team, multitasking, professionalism, business etiquette’s, communication skill and to adapt transition.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
Happiest is recently when I topped in my class, The most memorable is my business communication presentation when mam said my presentation was the best, I am never sad, I guess there is even more to come now.

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My DAD, he taught me that there is no elevator in the house of success and has always supported and encouraged me to take my own decisions.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
From my experience of first semester I feel students should be exposed to the practical world by giving more research work, each lecture should start with business news related to the topic and internship should be made compulsory.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
Put learning into practice as you learn in class room and in the world.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?
1. What do B-School look for in an MBA candidate?
2. I wish to do MBA in Harvard Business school London what exams do I need to cleared for that?
3. When should I start studying for MBA entrance exams?

What are your future plans?
To do MBA in Harvard Business School.

What are you expecting out of BMS?
I expect BMS gives me good knowledge about business world so I can become a successful entrepreneur in the future.

How is What help should it provide in future? is amazing website, It provides platform for BMS students to connect with each other and express themselves.

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