Guru Hargobind Singh was born in Amritsar on June 1595. Guru Hargobind Singh Birth Anniversary is celebrated on 14 June 2014. He was the only son of Guru Arjan Sahib and Mata Ganga Ji. He wore 2 swords – Piri (Spiritual Power) and Miri (Military Power).
Here we present Guru Hargobind Singh Birth Anniversary 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English:
- Do not think that you are too few. You are all like springs. Oceans flow out of these very springs. There are hundreds of thousands of springs like you in our Nation. When you come together and flow forward, you will create a flood.
- A small and insignificant piece of wood, when made into a match, can light the entire jungle on fire. But you are humans! And furthermore, those humans whose heart has just now been scorched on hot iron plates.
- God has given you the gift of poetry. When nations are built, you are the foundations. Stop all these other untimely
- ਮੇਰਾਮਨੁਲੋਚੈਗੁਰਦਰਸਨਤਾਈ॥ਬਿਲਪਕਰੇਚਾਤ੍ਰਿਕਕੀਨਿਆਈ॥
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