Guys! Here Are 10 Things That She Hates About You


things she hates about you

Guys are the most interesting creatures on earth. At times they are so sweet and adorable that you can just fall for them over and over again, like when they love you, treat you like a princess, do small little things to make you happy, spend and remove time for you, make you feel special, kiss you and hug you like they never wanna leave you, care for you but on the other hand they do things that can’t stop you from getting mad at them.

You can say it’s in the women’s nature to expect things from men they aren’t willing to give in return which ultimately leads to girls hating these habits of theirs secretly. But guys I’m giving you an opportunity to know those things and not offend the girls who loves you. 

Here are some annoying things guys do that girls hate;

  1. Girls hate when you talk about other girls or about your exes in front of them
  2. When you stare at other girls around when she is there right beside you.
  3. When you laugh while talking on a serious topic or even when you try and change the conversation into another topic.
  4. They hate it when you behave careless and do not do important things on time.
  5. When you knowingly or unknowingly ignore them or at times do not receive their calls and do not reply to their messages.
  6. When you keep fidgeting with your phone all the time or play games on it when they are around or when they talk to you.
  7. They don’t like it when you don’t take care of yourself.
  8. They feel the worst when you act weird at times or suddenly change your behaviour towards them.
  9. They hate it when you come late or make them wait too long for you.
  10. When you hide things or your emotions with them.


Guys its time you realize your mistakes and improve on it. She is not asking you for a pearl from within the ocean, she is asking for things I’m sure it’s not that hard to give her. So try and make up to her in every way possible to keep her happy.

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Daisy Pais