Guys, Its Time To Know The Secret Of What Girls Wish You Knew About Them


girls wish

Girls are unpredictable; they have a lot of things in their mind which is hard to understand, even if you    try to figure out you may fail. A woman wants a man to understand her without her whispering a word, just by reading her mind, here’s where men lack behind.

Here are few things guys should know that girls wish they knew.

  1. Does not want you to impress her

Guys always try to flirt with girls by using cheesy pick up lines from movies believing that she would get easily impressed. She does not want you to impress her like this instead she wants you to be realistic and speak your heart out with true feelings rather than just flirting with her.

  1. Does not want your money

There is a stereotype thinking that a girl runs behind a guy’s money. The thinking is true to a certain extent but most of the girls do not need your money, she needs your love and care and you keeping her above anything else.

  1. Does not like to be ignored

Guys usually get so busy in their own lives that they unknowingly ignore their girl; they may not pick up calls, may not reply to messages or may even not take an initiative to meet. Like any other human she too does not like to be felt ignored and wants you to make her feel special and wanted and she means the world to you.

  1. Wants your attention when angry

A girl always wants a guy’s attention, but at times when she is wild and all in anger, she wants the guy to go close to her, calm her down, kiss her, and tell her that he loves her and he is sorry for the wrong that he has done.

  1. She wants you to accept her in front of others

Guys do love their girls but fail to accept their relation in front of others. The reason could be either he is shy to disclose his relation in front of his friends or is not happy with the girl. A girl wants the guy to accept her and introduce her as his ‘girlfriend’ in front of others.

girl wish

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Daisy Pais


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