Had A Fight With Your GF / BF? 7 Best Ways To Stop Relationship Arguments

  • Learning to accept your Mistakes

The biggest mistake which we all do in our Relationship is we do not accept our Mistakes. Argument starts when you do not accept your mistake. There will be no arguments at all when you learn to accept that “Yes my Baby or My Love, I have done a mistake and I accept it”. When you say this the opposite person not only will stop arguing but he will even forget that there was any problem.


  • Don’t scream when you know you are wrong

We all try to cover our mistakes as mentioned earlier by firstly not accepting it. Then the other thing which we do which leads to an argument is scream really bad especially when you know you are wrong. When you scream you know you are trying to hide your mistakes with your high pitch. Any person will get mad when you scream and especially when the person knows that you are yelling even after being wrong will make the person much madder. This will lead to worse of arguments which will lead to things which you might regret.


  • Say Sorry

SORRY can heal anything. At times even the worst of mistakes is forgotten just when you accept the mistake and whole heartedly say SORRY. When you do this he/she will not even think anything but indeed hug you and forget the fight that really happened.


  • Give up your attitude and ego

There is one thing we all in a relationship got to realize that there is no place for EGO and ATTITUDE where there is LOVE. To avoid arguments the best way is giving up these two devils in the Relationship. As most of the arguments may not have really a reason but when you show up ATTITUDE and EGO, it may lead to argument. So give up these two things and you will see nothing else in your REALTIONSHIP except love.


  • Handle the Situation Calmly

There is no sense in being aggressive it will only make things worse. It is always better to handle a situation calmly. You will notice no signs of arguments when both of you calmly sit and talk and find what the problem is rather than arguing.


  • Make up

Arguments will end when you makeup to each other. It is very important that when there is an argument you give the person attention and makeup for each other rather than leaving the person alone.

 stop arguing

  • Learn to listen

When you listen to each other and try to know what the person has to say the arguments will stop then and there. It is very necessary to listen than only speak.

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