Handy Tricks & Tips for Looking Beautiful That Will Surely Work




I’ve come up with some weird beauty tips and tricks which will surely work .

Olive oil for hair

Massage olive oil generously onto your scalp and also apply on your strands. This makes the hair silkier and condition it.

Deal with Puffy Eyes

Take a raw potato and cut out two thick slices. Do not wash. Lie down and place the slices on your closed eyelids. Keep it on for 15 mins. The puffiness will decrease.

Use lemon juice to highlight hair

Lemon juice had bleaching agents. So, when you streak strands with lemon juice and are out in the sun, they turn lighter. However, this may not work on very thick, jet black hair.

Mayo is a good hair conditioner

Slick on some mayonnaise(with egg) on your clean and partially wet, recently-shampooed strands. Leave it for ten mins. Next, wash off your hair.


-Varsha Chachad


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