Happy 15 August Independence Day 2014 Hindi Urdu Shayari SMS Wishes Messages


Khuchh Nasha Tirange Ki Aan Ka Hai,
Khuchh Nasha MatraBhumi Ki Shan Ki Hai,
Hum Lehraenge Har Jagah ye Tiranga,
Nasha Ye Hindustaan Ki Hai,
Happy Independence Day 2014

Naa Phooche Zamaane ko,
Kya Hamari Kahani Hai,
Hamari Pehchaan to Shirf ye Hai,
Ki Hum Hindustani Hai,
Happy Independence Day 2014,

Watan Humara Chod na Paayen Koi,
Rishta Humara Aise Na Tod Paaye Koi,
Dil Humari Ek Hai, Ek Hai Humari Jaan,
Hindustan Humara Hai, Hum Hai Iski Shaan,
Happy Independence Day 2014

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