Happy Bhau-Beej 2014 FREE SMS, Wishes, Text Messages For WeChat, Instagram

  • Another fresh Bhai Dooj is here
    Another year to live!
    To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
    To love and laugh and give!
    Happy Bhai Dooj to my little brother!
  • You can understand the things I never said.
    You can understand the pain which is not visible to anyone.
    You are the best brother!
    Happy Bhai Dooj to you!!
  • It means so much to have you around,
    As with your presence everything seems just so easy,
    God may bless you bhaiya.
    Happy Bhai Dooj!
  • This is for the most wonderful sisters of this world, Thank you sister for always being there on my side and for helping me in those infinite ways which I cannot even remember. Happy Bhai Dooj!
  • The loving occasion of Bhai Dooj is the best time, to reminisce fondly the wonderful moment we have spent together, sharing each other’s joys and sorrows. Thanks for spreading smiles everywhere and making life so beautiful, meaningful and Happy Bhai Dooj my dear brother.

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