Happy Birthday First Love



I don’t plan to start with a sensationalizingly cause today I’m going to concentrate more on feelings then the words. But I’d just say I cherish this date and this day more then anything else. It is the day when somebody who means more then life to me was born, the person I cannot imagine the laughter, the beautiful times, the sunshine without. Not to forget, the day when the love of my life 1st confessed his feelings to me and the day which changed so many things!

I won’t thank you cause I know some relations just don’t need it. But I’ll just say you are my treasure,something I’ll always cherish and the best man in my world. I know I get really difficult with you but with whom else can I do this?Cause you are the universe to my horizon.  Can’t thank you but I’d rather take this opportunity to tell you how indispensable part of my life you are.

If not for you I would not be leading this life. Cause without you it’s absolutely nothing.Yes, nothing without my everything!Telepathy and shizz, nothing can escape without them. The umpteen, myriad memories without which my life would be a mere black and white story.

You are my advisor, PA, confidante,BFF, my thin version of Santa and lot’s more! I respect every bit of effort you have taken to make life euphoric, blissful and more immaculate and more then that I respect you for every decision. You might feel you aren’t perfect but trust me you are the man I respect the most. But anyways annoy the most too!

We have journeyed across the toughest and with every blazing trial we cross, I respect you even more. I know we are getting intense with the love and your going extremely possessive about me shows me how far we have reached! From the Planet of Apes discussion till here speaks volumes about the magnitude and intensity in the feelings. It has all been possible cause of the person you are. Every single thing speaks loudly and clear enough about the never-ending love.

Bdw it’s triple celebration for us cause 1st it’s your birthday, 2nd a year to this heavenly journey and 3rd your job baby!Cannot tell you how happy I am to surpass the phases with you and I wish to stay with you till you reach the building empire phase and never let powerlessness daunt in you.

I know life is not a fairytale but for me our love is more celestial that that. I am in a twilight zone where the chink lets in a stream of silvery light, full of magic,moon and dust.These days and memories are the most splendid parts of my life. Be it calming each other we watch the sun turning orange and setting across the horizon or those sleepless nights where we befriend darkness agonizing and dying inside for each which is the manifestation of our boundless love for each other.

Never knew I would love someone this selflessly. But after being in this love I realize that being selfless is the only option I am left with. I have an early morning college tomorrow but giving time to this is actually making me happy cause it is nothing compared to the smile you are going to have on your face after it. I cannot always make you smile probably but I promise there will be somedays I’ll never let this off your face.

I would give this a simpler and more subtle end then the other pieces I have written till date.I trust you so much and I am ready to stand right by your side be it the police station or family, I would never let you face anything alone, that’s my promise and will always be. Anddddd My venting drama will never end you need to bare with it till the end of times!


Yours affectionately, madly, mischieviously and tamul-ly  Me.

PS-I know you have loads of work, work at home and even college ka kaam so please take an off tomorrow.

Love you more then ever and I wish to be with this sweet, genius, best, kind, dumb, loving, caring,cute, mad, intelligent,impulsive, considerate, empathetic,stupidly nice, Pj wala, natural not natural ice-cream wala, Gadhawala, possessivewala mari forever <3




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