Happy Birthday to 48 year-old ‘Virgin’ Salman Khan!


salman khan

As Bollywood’s Dabangg Khan celebrates his 48th birthday today, we bring you the top 5 famous dialogues of Salman Khan:

1) “Hum yahan ke Robin Hood hain, Robin Hood Pandey”. – Movie: Dabangg

2) “Mujh par ek ehsan karna ki mujh par koi ehsan na karna” – Movie: Bodyguard

3) “Zindagi mein teen cheez kabhi underestimate nahi karna, I, me and myself” – Movie: Ready

 4) “Ek baar jo maine commitement kardi, us ke baad toh mein khud ki bhi nahi sunta”. – Movie: Wanted

5)  “Arey sahab busy hain, arey commissioner hoga apne ghar ka hoga…” – Movie: Andaz Apna Apna

Here’s wishing the actor a big wala Happy Birthday for his larger than life character and unforgettable dialogues. 🙂


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