Happy Birthday to ManagementParadise.com!


ManagementParadise.com(MP) is one of the largest portals in India which has always helped and keeps on helping BMS and management students.

There is an old saying – “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

MP has been a true friend for the BMS students from the last 6 years which would  always help us when required in terms of projects, notes, management information and updating us with everything required for BMS students. We, BMS students share, cry, laugh, learn, enjoy and have fun with MP. 🙂

BMS.co.in celebrates MP’s bday which brings happiness to everyone, someone who gives more than it gets, and fills our lives with joy and fun.

“Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer.
It pleases me no end to say,
I wish you another great year.
So happy birthday to you ManagementParadise.com,
From the bottom of my heart.
And may your good times multiply
and may you live longg…!!

“I remember my BMS days when I used to keep on surfing on MP rather than Google as MP is a Google for us which would provide excellent and timely guidance on BMS. It was a Special Dost in our lives without whom we cannot imagine studying or learning anything about Management. Bole toh, I could become a BMS graduate only because of MP. 😉 And now working on BMS is amazing and wonderful! 🙂 I wish to see MP guiding even my grandchildren 😉 May you live longer and Thanx a lot to Kartik Sir and the whole MP team (Manasi Mam, Abhi, Bhumi, Nanda, Alisha… and many more) for their support. Congratulations and wish the whole ManagementParadise Team a great future ahead!!”

ManagementParadise.com was launched in November 2004 and is celebrating its 6th anniversary this year. ManagementParadise.com remains focused on offering management education in India with a strong user base of over 225,000 members. The site, with over 5 million visitors and 20 million page views for the year 2009, is expanding its services steadily with major increases in traffic and usage. For information about the company, visit http://www.managementparadise.com/

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BMS Team

We, at BMS.co.in, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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