Happy Diwali to all BMSites!


“Festival of Enthusiasm”

“Festival of Happiness”

“Festival of Lights and lamps”

“Festival of Victory of Good over Evil”

“Festival of Exchange of Gifts”

No prizes for right guesses 😉 It’s our own favourite festival “Diwali”.

BMS.co.in has always been providing a list of questions to help bms students in their exams. 😉

Now for a change, BMS.co.in gonna provide you a list of cool Diwali messages to send to your dear, near, loved ones, family, friends and foes. 😉

1) May the beauty
Of deepavali season
Fill your home with
And may the coming year
Provide you with all
That bring you joy

2) May This Diwali be as bright as ever.
May this Diwali bring joy, health and wealth to you.
May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear ones lives.
May this Diwali bring in u the most brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever Wished for.
May this Diwali bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity.
May lights triumph over darkness.
May peace transcend the earth.
May the spirit of light illuminate the world.
May the light that we celebrate at Diwali show us the way and lead us together on the path of peace and social harmony

3) May the festival of lights be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Diwali is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love, here’s hoping this festival of beauty brings your way, bright sparkles of contentment, that stay with you through the days ahead.
Best wishes on Diwali and New year.

4) This Diwali, may you be blessed with good fortune as long as Ganeshji’s trunk, wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach, happiness as sweet as his ladoos and may your trouble be as small as his mouse.
Happy Diwali

5) With gleam of Diyas
And the Echo of the Chants
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

6) Look
It’s So Pleasant!
FAIRIES waiting 4u!BCZ I Ask dem 2 Wish

7) Brighten this season with your smile…
spread cheer, spread laughter.
Happy Diwali!

8 ) As the candlelight flame,
Ur life may always be happiness’ claim;
As the mountain high,
U move without sigh;
like the white linen flair,
Purity is always an affair;
As sunshine creates morning glory,
fragrance fills years as flory;
with the immaculate eternal smile,
attached to u mile after mile;
All darkness is far away,
As light is on its way;
Wish all of u a very happy diwali.

9) Troubles as light as Air,
love as deep as Ocean,
Friends as Solid as Diamonds,
and Success as bright as Gold…
These are the wishes for you and your family on the eve of Diwali.
Diwali ki Shubhkamanaye.

10) Wishing each fan of BMS.co.in a very happy and prosperous diwali. May this year bring you lots and lots of happiness in life and fulfill all your dreams.

Dhoom Machale!! Happy Diwali!


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