Happy Father’s Day 2015 SMS, Messages, Status, Quotes In English


Are you awaiting for 21st June 2015 to celebrate Father’s Day? Well, you might have surely planned out something very interesting to make your beloved dad feel special. So how about sharing text messages, short messages, SMS, quotes on Facebook or keep that as a status on Whatsapp? You should surely check out some unique ideas to surprise him this year and hope you will like the below list of Happy Father’s Day 2015 SMS, Messages, Status, Quotes In English:

1) This is all about you dad. You are the person who can make my unsuccessful dreams turn into a successful present in my life. Behind all my cheers, I have seen your hidden tears. Happy Father’s Day 2015.

2) I cannot think of any need in my childhood as strong as my cute dad’s protection. Happy Father’s Day 2015.

3) Hey dad, I wish you a box of happiness today, tomorrow and always with my love. Happy Father’s Day 2015.

4) It also comes to let you know that you mean to me more than anyone else dad. You have touched my life and you are my superhero. Happy Father’s Day 2015.

5) You are not a Salman Khan or Amitabh Bachchan in looks or personality, I completely agree with that. But you are my dad with simple clothes and simple shoes who have always stood by me, no matter what. I love you dad forever. Happy Father’s Day 2015.

Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (1) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (2) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (3) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (4) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (5) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (6)

Dad carrying son on his shoulders.
Dad carrying son on his shoulders.

Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (8) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (9) Happy Father's Day 2015 Images  (10)


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